Get Your Posture Right at Work

At Work Get Your Posture Right Way

Modern-day fast-moving lifestyle has given birth to major health concerns and a proper routine of exercise. As you spend a lot of time at your workplace, sitting like glue on the chair in front of a computer, it is essential that you work on healthy postures to prevent long-term health issues at bay. Poor posture…

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Food Combinations to Avoid

Combinations Of Food You Should Avoid

Almost all food combinations are generally considered good for a healthy system. However, some dangerous food tryouts could be fatal. Reactions to their chemical substitutes are similar to one of the harmful food merging of coke and mentos. Below is the list of toxic food concoctions to avoid. 1. Sweets with alcohol Most of us…

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Diabetes Care Through Natural Foods

Diabetes Care Through Natural Foods

Many lifestyle changes can promote a person with diabetes when it comes to balancing their sugar levels. These changes involve eating nutritious supplements and endorsing diets such as the Mediterranean suggested diet plan from the expert and the DASH diet.  Various herbs have also been utilized for the problem of diabetes depending on the disease…

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Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

Belly Fat – Exercises to Reduce It

There are a lot of exercises to reduce belly fat but are you choosing the right ones? When you wish to rid of your stubborn belly fat, you are required to have a customized daily workout session for the scheduled period.  The workout should involve cardiovascular exercises that soften your body fat regularly. Ten minutes…

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Benefits of Cycling

Cycling Is Good For Health

To get physically fit and healthy,  you have to be physically active. Regular physical activity can assist to protect you from severe diseases listed as obesity, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, diabetes, and arthritis.  Morning riding your bicycle daily for scheduled time is one of the best solutions to lower your risk of health problems…

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Importance of Breakfast

Significance of Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important aspect of a meal in the day. This is because it follows the long duration you would normally go without consuming. You should not initiate a long journey in your car without filling it with fuel.  By the same principle, you should not start your day without offering the essential…

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3 Ayurvedic Herbs For Immunity

Boost Immunity With 3 Ayurvedic Herbs

The vital spirit of all body tissues is called “Ojas.” According to the properties of Ayurveda, Ojas is suggested to be managed for the overall system, immunity, and thought-process of people.  According to the basics of Immunity – Vyadhikshamatva or Bala or Ojas, the body’s pressure is not only essential for disease treatment but also…

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How To Cure GERD For GOOD!

How To Cure GERD For GOOD – Lifestyle Tips And Ayurvedic Remedies

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease is a disease related to digestive health that is long-standing. GERD happens when acid levels up into the esophagus (reflux) so that a person will suffer nausea or even vomiting.  Due to the elevation of acid reflux, it will annoy and feel the burning of the esophagus or throat, …

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Fasting - The Pros and Cons

Fasting – It’s Pros And Cons

If you’ve been thinking about planning for intermittent fasting but are unsure of exactly what it adds to the table, in this post, we will explain in detail the major pros and cons of the intermittent fasting diet on your health.  As with fasting in routine, with the pros come the cons., a wise super…

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Nutritious Foods that help to boost immunity

Nutritious Foods to Help Boost Immunity

One of the best solutions to keep healthy is by selecting an array of foods to boost your immune system. Consuming healthy, antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein is an essential part of balancing good immune system health to help ward off infection and illness.  While no one food…

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